Nepal has launched its own geo-satellite in the next year.

अनलाइनसमय |
१५ माघ २०७५
Nepal has launched its own geo-satellite in the next year.

    The nation has started launching its own geography for the first time, with the help of two Nepalese engineers researching the postgraduate and student university at the Kyutech University of Japan. Rabindra Prasad Dhakal, Chief of Technology, Department of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), said that the government provided Rs. 200 million to the construction and launch of landlord named ‘Bud Three’. He informed that the construction of the project was constructed at the same time till the next three years. From Nepal, the Earth’s satellite satellite will be collected from the Earth’s satellite satellite, collecting photographs of different locations of the country and its information about the mountains, mountains, terrain, forest, glaciers, roads and floods. According to the faculty chief Dhakal, ‘With the beginning of the year 2076 B.S., the science and technology minister, will reach Japan and launch a satellite.

   After the launch, there will be no endangerment of information and information by spending a lot of money with other countries. After successful launch, it will also prove that Nepal’s engineers are not lesser than other countries’. The satellite will record the picture of five to ten minutes daily in Nepal sky. The pictures and information received will be stored in the ‘Ground Station’ of their own office. Nepal has been taking information and information from the rental satellite.


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